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The Art Museum's recent Wyeth exhibit moved my wife and me to tears. Andrew Wyeth: Memory and Magic. as if the missing population was finally given a chance to take a bow As to solving art thefts, sometimes it just takes a little time. An Andrew Wyeth painting "The Studio", stolen in 1967 from Andrew Wyeth/Philadelphia Museum of Art. Andrew Wyeth's "Otherworld" (2002) is one of the few canvases in like "Christina's World," are missing, but the 58 paintings and about 40 A Dedication to Andrew Wyeth: A Man Who Loved Islands Text by Chris Crosman - Photos In Color of Wyeths' Paintings 21 Pages - Soft (1 page missing) - Out of Print - 11 1/4" x 8 7/8" POR plus s/h Which leaves the missing link of Andrew Wyeth, the only reason I can think of and not a very good Andrew Wyeth's art is best known for his realistic and thoughtful paintings of people and places in rural Pennsylvania Forged Andrew Wyeth Painting Seized at Auction House, Stolen Mesopotamian Antiquities Recovered
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